ColdFusion Header – Institute for Innovation
The Institute is affiliated with the University of Maryland School of Social Work
  • Ideas@TheInstitute
University of Maryland School of Social Work, The Institute for Innovation and Implementation

Research & Evaluation

What we do: We conduct research and evaluations designed to guide child-and family-serving systems and programs in their efforts to improve outcomes for children, families, and communities. We also assist state and local agencies by providing systems for the ongoing monitoring of practice/program implementation and outcomes. Our goal is to facilitate the translation of evidence-based and promising practices to the field, and to communicate their implementation successes and challenges to inform the research.

Why we do it: Over the past decade, budgets have diminished significantly, but research has produced a wealth of information about practices and programs that are effective in enhancing the well-being and related outcomes for youth and families. We seek to ensure that these evidence-based and promising practices achieve their desired impacts, to understand when they do not, and to build on the knowledge base. Ultimately, we strive to ensure that research and data are used effectively and efficiently for the benefit of youth and families.

How we do it: We work collaboratively with providers, state and local agencies, and other stakeholders to identify areas of need, design research and evaluation studies, and seek solutions. Research and Evaluation staff also collaborate with The Institute's Policy & Strategic Development, Fiscal Strategy, and Technical Assistance & Implementation Centers for a more integrated approach to improving systems for children and their families.

Reports & Publications

Current Research and Evaluation Projects

Child Welfare:

Early Childhood/Maternal and Child Health:

Evidence-Based Practices (EBP):

Juvenile Justice:

Systems of Care